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Do you recognize this song? "Oye Como Va" peaked at number #13 on the Billboard charts in 1971. This version of the song appeared on the album Abraxas by the group Santana, led by the young Mexican-American guitarist and composer Carlos Santana. The album was full of acid rock driven by the rhythms of Latin percussion. Another hit on the album, "Black Magic Woman," made it to #4 on the charts. That an album showing so much Latin influence was so popular in the U.S. is a reflection of the era of multiculturalism that America was entering at the time. This song and others by Santana, however shows many influences that aren't at all typically Mexican. Part of this is the instrumentation, but another part is the origin of the song, as this is the second time it was released to the American public. It was originally written and recorded by the nuyorican* bandleader and Latin percussionist Tito Puente as a chachacha dance tune in the 1950s. Santana’s version reflects the multiculturalism of Mexican and American music and our societies in general. Let's find out more about that music and multiculturalism 


"Es necesario persuadir que la  arroganciaI  y la violencia son politicas buenas  y que  actuar de mala fe , la mejor diplomacia,   que insultos  son  el verdadero entendimiento entre amigos,  y directa injuria , para agradecer." - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

The Hidden Origins of Nazism
Examines the purported links
between the Nazi movement
and Ottoman Freemasonry.