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Double click on video for FULL SCREEN VIEW video help


I'm at the factory of Custom Super Homes looking at the building process of my own home!
Ron Perko from Washington



Phenomenal product. This is going to revolutionize the building industry!
Don Barber from Iowa



My name is Joan Hudson. My husband Jim and I are building a beautiful new home with Custom Super Homes.  They are very nice people to work with and there concern for the buyer is unusual in the market place today.
Jim & Joan Hudson from Florida



I'm in the process of building a Custom Super Home in New York, I'm excited!
Lionel Medina from New York



. We recommend it highly. I Am in the process of buiding my son's  Custom Super Home!
Carleton Kleitz from Kansas



We are sold on the product. It's an amazing product. We are in the process of buiding our own Custom Super Home.
Jim & Joyce Coleman - Illinois



It is aeverything you said it was and more. This is the way of the future I believe
Gary Wolters form Georgia



Now, we just have to keep focused in what we're here for. This is great...  incredible... just bring those applications in!
Leonard Manion from Missouri



The ones that join in the beginning are the ones that are going to enjoy the most
Oscar Kizar from Florida



100% money back guarantee, it is fire proof, water proof, bullet proof, what else can you ask for.
Stella Sue Roberts - Missouri



It is very real. I am at the shop and I have seen the material, what it can whithstand...
Tracy Crook from Missouri


It is everything it says it is and more... only way to go is UP!
Larry Manion from Missouri

 la competencia no s odia y usted  lo  puede obtener GRATIS!

No importa si  tiene dinero o esta  sin nada. le recomiendo lea esta pagina  al menos dos veces para que  vea de lo que se trata, le repito  si tiene o no tiene dinero de todos modos  usted puede  tener la  oportunidad de caer una gran diferiencia en la vida  de  las personas y   de el planeta, ademas todos pueden calioficar para tener usna super casa pues tenemos  el sistema  que  trabaja , ademas usted puede ganar  dinero  sin limites !

La oprtunidad esta GOLPEANDO A SU PUERTA...

  Imaginese que usted estubo enbuelto en el nacimiento de microsoft,ya? ahora multipliquelo por 1.000(o mas) y usted tendra una vaga idea de  el potencial de esta oferta ".

Un Custom Super Home es una  HOBRA  DE ARTE INTELIGENTE...

 Una casa inteligente le ayuda a  ganar dinero sin limites en muchos niveles, tiene  plusvalia, es a prueva de  fuego , de balas de agua de huracanes de termitas, sismicamente mejor  y amiga del medio ambiente, no ay otro  costructor que le ofresca todas estas  cualidades . punto y  aparte por el mismo precio de una casa echa de palo , despues de todo hasta los tres cochinitos  supieron como acer una casa de palo  


Uste puede ser parte de la parte que gana  con este lanzamiento.  quiere rebolucionar  la industria de la construccion del mismo  modo que el microchip reboluciono la  computadora? Honestamente, a tendo una oportunidad de  ganar BILLONES DE DOLARES golpeando a su puerta antes? Ahora esta OPORTUNIDAD no esta  golpeando  casi tumba la puerta, le  abrira usted, ara una  fortuna y SALVARA EL PLANETA ?

Si usted es ensenable... (dispuesto a seguir instrucciones)

  • Le entrenaremos en UN DIA
  • Usted sera su jefe y tendra un imperio !
  • Trbajara en la comodidad de su casa !
  • Tendra tiempo para acer lo que mas  quiere !
  • Trabajara sus propias horas !
  • Tendra paz  mental financiera !
  •  Trabajara menos !
  • Ganara mes !
  • Hara una fortuna  desde una linda casa !
  •  Tendra mas  que suficiente para retirarse  en lujo !
  • Ayudara a rebolucuionar muchas industrias !
  • Cuidara la  madre naturaleza, ayudara a salvar el planeta !

Action is the enemy of thought... ACT NOW... IT'S FREE!

Here in our member  area, you will find A FREE TRIAL TO EBPRO 101 (THE SYSTEM) and additional information about Custom Super Homes and the awesome RECYCLED building material we have the EXCLUSIVE on. We feature a LIVE SUPPORT SYSTEM that truly satisfies and nothing is left to chance. In addition, you have access to OVER 11,000 floor plans that can be customized and built by our Master Builders!

Custom Super Homes wants to:

This could be YOU!


Dear isidro,

Whether you are in the Industry or NOT, I am sure that what you are about to read will tickle your mind for DAYS before you really comprehend the TRUE magnitude of it. In fact, most people FREAK OUT FOR WEEKS before realizing what they discovered! I mean, It has kept me “awake” for YEARS! It made me QUIT a Multi Million Dollar Business in high powered Real Estate Speculation! Custom Super Homes is not only for industry professionals... but also for people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE! It doesn't matter if you are a Real Estate Agent, Builder, Contractor, School Teacher, Hamburger Flipper, Architect, Factory Worker, Professor, Rocket Scientist or part time Nurse (Maybe you don't even have a JOB), I'm sure that THIS can change your life forever! Just imagine if you had gotten involved at THE BIRTH OF A COMPANY SUCH AS MICROSOFT... where would YOUR family and business be today? Now... let's pump that "Microsoft analogy" with STEROIDS and MULTIPLY IT BY 10,000... now... visualize what would have happened if you had gotten involved in THE BIRTH OF PORTLAND CEMENT or were offered the EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO LUMBER!

Just imagine if someone had approached your great-great-grand-father and said...

"Hi, I have the worldwide exclusive on something I call CEMENT and I think it should be used in all construction worldwide because it's much better than the materials used today. Do you think that anyone in your area would be interested in a beautiful home built of this new and better material if they got in WHOLESALE? I can show you exactly how to do everything from offering the homes WHOLESALE all the way to manufacturing and building with this NEW material I call CEMENT. I want to move you into your own beautiful home WHOLESALE so that you can show it off and generate more business for yourself. And if you do really well, we will be paying your house payment every month and can even grant you the exclusive in your area! ok? Can you just imagine if your “skeptical” great-great-grand-father had gotten involved at the birth of Portland Cement? How much would your family be worth now? Can you even think that big? That's basically what I'm telling you RIGHT NOW! But THIS IS NOT about past generations and inferior materials, it is about THE BETTER TOMORROW we can leave for our children. A cleaner/safer planet is a gift that EVERYONE will respect you for and setting a higher standard for Real Estate construction can put you on the “Fortune 500 map” in RECORD time!

But before I explain what I mean with such bold statements... let me introduce myself...

My name is Dario Busch. I was raised in Stockhholm, Sweden but moved to the USA and got "stuck" :-) I now live in St. Louis, Missouri, where I became a successful Real Estate Speculator and created Custom Super Homes from scratch. I barely graduated and never, ever, had a "JOB". You can see me in the shop video and listen to me on the conference calls as I am the head of The Leadership Team of Custom Super Homes. I have had great success because I am coachable and good at what I do. After all, I learned from the best of the best in the game. I made enough money to keep Custom Super Homes private and 100% DEBT FREE. However, this is not about what I have done in the past but about where I'm heading (I want you to come with me). I want you to understand the reason I QUIT my Multi Million Dollar high-powered Real Estate Investing & Consulting Business. I want you to learn about THE TRILLION DOLLAR BABY that CAUSED me to SHUT DOWN MY MULTI MILLION DOLLAR GOLD MINE! And once you're done reading what I have to say, you'll either think I'm ABSOLUTELY CRAZY or I WILL BLOW YOU AWAY so many times with my *master plan*, *product*, and *facts* that you'll want to quit WHATEVER you do for a living and DIVE IN WITH ME 10,000%! When reading, please remember that "minds work like parachutes, they only work when they are OPEN". Even though I'll be just showing you "the tip of tip of only one of our icebergs" on this web site, once you realize the magnitude of it, you will most likely "stay awake for days". Because I'm about to tell you "stuff" so "wicked", you may think I'm lying to you because "it sounds too good to be true". Therefore, I want you to FEEL COMFORTABLE with everything I say. For that purpose, like many others have  already (see video testimonials), YOU SHOULD READ THIS WEB SITE AT LEAST TWICE, GET STARTED WITH ONE OF THE 7 OPTIONS, AND COME TO A "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS" VIP OPEN HOUSE. Once you do all that, you will see that everything I tell you is 100% REAL! Whatever you have to do... JUST DO IT! I welcome you to Phase 2 of our Pre-Launch isidro! I welcome you to THE CUTTING EDGE! And to the competition.... "sorry guys"...

Yes, such an AMAZING opportunity exists RIGHT HERE... and you are invited to "THE PARTY"!

CustomSuperHomes has the EXCLUSIVE to a BRAND NEW, SUPERIOR, and proprietary building material that is manufactured using large quantities of recycled materials. It is PERFECT to replace concrete, brick, adobe, wood frame, and other typical building materials used in real estate construction. Custom Super Homes is poised to revolutionize the construction & recycling industries in a similar way that the microchip has revolutionized the communication & computer industries. Building Custom Super Homes with our revolutionary (recycled) building material results in Beautiful, Fire Proof, Sound Proof, Bullet Proof, Water Proof, Strong Wind Proof, Super Insulated, Extremely Energy Efficient, Seismically Superior, Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly real estate and can mass recycle over 100 TONS of waste materials per home when built to our specifications! Our Proprietary (recycled) Building Material comprises a solid matrix (slurry/mix) containing two major waste stream products, coal ash and waste wood. Coal ash, which is a coal combustion byproduct (fly ash), is a fine powdery material that is recovered from electrical power plants and other coal fired industries. Waste wood is any type of wood that is land filled or piled up, such as waste pallets, chips, sawdust, etc. The proprietary matrix (mix) is then formed into wall panels or whatever shape is desired. The building components are then used to replace what would have been concrete, brick, adobe, wood and steel frame walls. Professionals introduced to the system come to the conclusion that it is "a perfect marriage between the solidness of concrete and the flexibility of wood". Our Proprietary (recycled) Building Material is currently manufactured at “The Shop” in St. Louis and we'll travel anywhere in the USA to build a Custom Super Home for you or your downline/clients. Now, mass recycling can easily be achieved by people like you. We are together establishing the most REVOLUTIONARY REAL ESTATE & MASS RECYCLING venture known to man (True Ground Floor). If you capitalize on a mere 1/10th of 1% (One tenth of one percent) of THE LOCAL EXCLUSIVE MARKET WE CAN GRANT YOU, it could TURN YOUR NEW "CUSTOM SUPER HOME BASED BUSINESS" INTO A BILLION DOLLAR VENTURE within a few years!

Super Attributes of a Our Proprietary (recycled) Building Material

  • Better than using frame, brick, concrete or adobe to build residential, commercial, and industrial buildings!
  • It is "Well over" R-75 self-insulating.
  • It can be exposed to open blow torch flame for 4 1/2 hours.
  • It has a sound absorption coefficient of over #40.
  • It accepts screws and nails. (No studs required).
  • Is seismically (Earthquakes) superior to what is standard.
  • It can handle wind gusts of 145 mph to well over 300 mph.
  • It is neither toxic or hazardous.
  • It is made with mass recycled materials.
  • It is BULLET proof! (no “paper thin walls” as with frame)
  • It Costs THE SAME as if building with WOOD FRAME.
  • And much...much more!

A Custom Super Show Home is a Smart Masterpiece!

A Custom Super Home helps you earn UNLIMITED RESIDUAL PROFIT SHARING FROM UNLIMITED LEVELS DEEP, it has Built In Equity, it is Fire Proof, Sound Proof, Bullet Proof, Water Proof, Hurricane Proof, Mold Proof, Termite Proof, Extremely Energy Efficient, Seismically Superior, Sustainable, and Environmentally Friendly when "doing it our way". We don't build shells and we don't do “half-jobs”. It doesn't matter if it is a “bare bones” section 8 rental or a Luxury Superstar mansion. ANY type or model is possible WHOLESALE! We  are THE builder that delivers a 100% ready to move in CUSTOM SUPER HOME. Our Master Builder Crews complete the home from start to finish (and beyond). Once construction of your Custom Super Home begins, you will be informed through DAILY VIDEO throughout the ENTIRE building process of your home. Once your home is completed, we will pay $1,000 for professional movers, we will buy enough groceries to last you a week, we will turn your phone and Internet connection on, your cable, DSL, or satellite will be ON, all utilities will be ON, The standard alarm system will be ON, your refrigerator, ICE COLD, the Central Air/Heat, nice an cozy! That's convenience! We have the most revolutionary "Affordable Housing" & "First Time Buyer" type programs and THE STRONGEST 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE in the industry. Everything from the decision making phase, to the construction itself, to YEARS of maintenance after the Custom Super Homeowner moves in is handled by us in order to assure MAXIMUM efficiency and quality per dollar spent. If any other builder even attempted to give you the attributes of a Custom Super Home, it would cost that builder 16-20 TIMES MORE in applicable costs. WE CAN BUILD AFTER ANY FLOOR PLAN! There are NO limitations to design or specifications. EVERYONE THAT FOLLOWS THE SYSTEM CAN GET QUALIFIED FOR A CUSTOM SUPER SHOW HOME WHOLESALE. NO OTHER BUILDER CAN BEAT OUR QUALITY PER DOLLAR SPENT! YOUR SATISFACTION IS 100% GUARANTEED!

Benefits To Homeowners (You or your clients/downline)

  • Better than wood frame homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than steel frame homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than solid brick homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than concrete homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than adobe homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Much Better Quality Per Dollar Spent... HANDS DOWN!
  • You will enjoy a high quality and energy efficient home. (Any size, any model)
  • You will enjoy a sound resistant home.
  • You will enjoy a fire resistant home.
  • You will enjoy lower utility bills.
  • Your house will last many times longer than any wood frame house.
  • You will enjoy being a part of mass recycling and save the environment.
  • You will be able to earn UNLIMITED RESIDUAL profit sharing with your Custom Super Home.
  • And much...much more!

Benefits to "TCP Certified" Contractors

  • Better than building wood frame homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than building steel frame homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than building solid brick homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than building concrete homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • Better than building adobe homes... HANDS DOWN!
  • It costs THE SAME as if building with 2x4 WOOD FRAME.
  • You will be able to build a superior building for your clients without increasing the cost.
  • You will be a part of mass recycling rather than supporting the killing of trees.
  • You will be able to generate an on-going income, even from properties that you DON'T build!
  • And much...much more amazing benefits you will learn through The Contractor Program (TCP)
  • After all... even the 3 little pigs knew not to build with sticks...

Benefits To “Mother Earth”

  • Minimize the pollution caused by Cement Poduction
  • Minimize the KILLING of trees to exctract lumber!
  • Mass Recycle materials that would otherwise pollute Mother Nature!
  • 12.3 million tons of wood waste is dumped in landfills every year. (EPA).
  • The US has 1.5 billion waste wood pallets, 6 for every American (Wall Street Journal).
  • The US produces over 100 million tons of coal combustion byproducts every year.
  • The construction of a house can recycle more than 100 TONS of fly ash and wood waste.
  • Mass recycling of millions of tons can be achieved and duplicated by people like YOU.
  • And much...much more!


In compliance with International Building Standards (ASTM/BOCA):

Our Proprietary (recycled) Building Material's capabilities, according to the independent laboratory certifications, are in MUCH MORE THAN JUST IN FULL compliance with applicable ASTM/BOCA building standards: ASTM C-518, ASTM E-136, ASTM C-78, ASTM C-666, ASTM C-67, ASTM C-140. Complying with ASTM and BOCA standards means that municipalities must allow the use of the system in construction within their city according to the law. There is NO toxicity, radiation, out-gassing, or any other harmful "side effect". We have a COMPLETE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY preformed by independent laboratories certifying that our proprietary building material is 100% in environmental compliance. This means that NO ONE can legally stop us from building anywhere in the USA! (See ASTM book for detailed testing information)

How big is “the industry”?

This is THE BIGGEST INDUSTRY IN THE WORLD! 1% of it is bigger than the computer industry... including the Internet! According to the U.S. Census, 50% of America's wealth lays in Real Estate and in the building materials used to build it. There are approximately 1.8 Million new residential construction sites (commercial not included) being started in the U.S. every year according to the Census. On average, Americans move to a new house every 6 years. The Portland Cement Association estimates that U.S. cement consumption has averaged between 75 and 90 million tons per year during the last decade and projects that consumption will exceed 100 million tons per year. Worldwide, cement production totaled 1.25 billion tons, according to the U.S. Bureau of Mines. The U.S alone imports enough lumber for over 50,000 homes/year from Canada. This is without counting the millions of acres of forests that the U.S. itself exploits to extract lumber. Capitalizing on a mere one tenth of 1% of your EXCLUSIVE market can make YOU a Billion-dollar venture within a few short years!

What About "The Competition"?

The competition HATES OUR GUTS because they are no real competition to us as a builder. The competition is considered to be other builders and general contractors. According to the Census, the competition builds mainly with wood frame, which among other things, results in a structure that burns, rots, molds, has paper thin walls, is not energy efficient and KILLS about 1.5 ACRES of wooded land (trees) to obtain the lumber for a "crappy stick home". A Custom Super Home costs THE SAME as a 2x4 stick home (same price per square foot). Therefore, a Custom Super Home IS MUCH CHEAPER than a "stick home". This FACT allowes us to offer BETTER QUALITY for the SAME price as "PAPER THIN CRAP". (Much Better Quality + Same Price as sticks = SMARTER CHOICE!)


So... as I said... imagine if someone had approached your great-great-grand-father and said:

"Hi, I have the worldwide exclusive on something I call CEMENT and I think it should be used in all construction worldwide because it's much better than the materials used today. Do you think that anyone in your area would be interested in a beautiful home built of this new and better material if they got in WHOLESALE? I can show you exactly how to do everything from offeringthe homes WHOLESALE all the way to manufacturing and building with this NEW material I call CEMENT. I want to move you into your own beautiful home WHOLESALE so that you can show it off and generate more business for yourself. And if you do really well, we will be paying your house payment every month and can even grant you the exclusive in your area! ok? Can you just imagine if your great-great-grand-father had gotten involved at the birth of Portland Cement? How much would your family be worth now? Can you even think that big? Because that's basically what I'm telling you RIGHT NOW! Well, I'm sure you agree that your great-great-grand-father WOULD HAVE BEEN A FOOL not to jump in head first, right? Because... do you have ANY IDEA of the kind of wealth created by those first *concrete pioneers*? Ever seen how "the lumber tycoons" live? However, THIS IS NOT about past generations and inferior materials, it is about THE BETTER TOMORROW we can leave for our children. A cleaner and safer planet is YOUR GIFT to your children and Mother Nature! The entire planet will THANK YOU!


Please choose one of these 7 ways to get started...


  1. Buy a Custom Super Show Home
    There is no need to trust us with a "bid" or anything like that. The best way we can serve you is NOT by "doing it for you" (Which would be giving you a fish), we prefer to TEACH YOU what we would have done for you (Which is TEACHING you how to fish. We want YOU to tell us what to build, how much to spend, and WHY. That way, you are in control. To "tell us what to do", please complete your home package, summarize it on the ONE PAGER, and when your one pager is approved, we will ask for the entire Home Package and get the contract drafted. more>>

  2. Order EBPRO (Environmental Building Professional) NO REAL ESTATE LICENSE NEEDED
    EBPRO  is not a Franchise, Business Opportunity, Position, Membership, Investment, or anything like that. EBPRO is MUCH BETTER! Environmental Building Professional  (EBPRO) is a step-by-step Sales Training & Support Service (FEE-BASED MENTORING SERVICE/TRAINING COURSE) that mentors you into "SELLING New Construction better than most REALTORS can". The EBPRO e-book costs $75,000 but don't be alarmed, you can TRIAL IT FOR FREE as explained below. Once you order EBPRO, YOUR MEMBER'S AREA WILL GET UPGRADED from "Affiliate" to "EBPRO" and the EBPRO Training &  Support Service e-book is then available through your EBPRO member area. At that time, you are welcomed into the EBPRO TEAM! As an EBPRO TEAM  MEMBER you need to put ONE Custom Super Home under contract to become a QUALIFIED  PRO. Once are upgraded to QUALIFIED  PRO, the FULL unlimited residual multi level profit sharing "unlocks"! QUALIFIED  PRO's experience the best Profit Sharing ever created and profit share multi level.

    Qualified Pro's Profit Share 2
    0% on EBPRO sales in their FRONTLINE and Free Affiliate Legs

    Qualified Pro's Profit Share 5% on CSH sales in their FRONTLINE & Free Affiliate Legs PLUS

    Qualified Pro's Profit Share 20% on TCP sales in their FRONTLINE and Free Affiliate Legs PLUS

    Qualified Pro's Profit Share 5% on SHOP sales in their FRONTLINE & Free Affiliate Legs PLUS



    (a.k.a. rollups)

    ON ALL
    FREE AFFILIATE LEGS (a.k.a. rollups)

  3. Order The Contractor Program (TCP)  (Buy TCP and get EBPRO for FREE!)

    Become a Certified Custom Super Homes Contractor means that you will be able to build Custom Super Homes using our proprietary (recycled) building material. TCP is not a Franchise, Business Opportunity, Position, Membership, Investment, or anything like that. TCP is MUCH BETTER! The Contractor Program (TCP) is a step-by-step Contracting Training & Support Service (FEE-BASED MENTORING SERVICE / TRAINING COURSE) that mentors you into BUILDING Custom Super Homes and CERTIFIES YOU as a Certified CSH Contractor". The Contractor Program costs $250,000. All information regarding "how to build Custom Super Homes with the material" and the details of TCP are deemed to be CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION and can only be found in "The Contractor Program's Decision Making Package" (TCPDMP). Once your  review TCPDMP, you can schedule your "Private Meeting" (on the phone or in person). Only those QUALIFIED and APPROVED  can access "The Contractor Program's Decision Making Package (TCPDMP)" and request a Private Meeting. To access TCPDMP, you need to tell us 1) WHO are you and WHY should we do business with YOU 2) What are your plans after becoming a Certified Contractor 3) Are you Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) (Can you afford it?) (We appreciate you understanding that we can make NO exceptions during our busy pre-launch phase) more>>

  4. Buy a SHOP and get your Exclusive Area FOR FREE! (Buy a SHOP and get TCP for FREE!)

    Become a SHOP owner. Buy a SHOP, which means buying the equipment required to manufacture and install Our Proprietary (recycled) Building Material. A SHOP is not a Franchise, Business Opportunity, Position, Membership, Investment, or anything like that. A SHOP is MUCH BETTER! A SHOP costs $3,000,000. All information relating to a SHOP and the details about "how to manufacture the material" is deemed to be CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION and can only be found in "The SHOP Decision Making Package" (TSDMP). Once your review TSDMP, you can schedule your "Private Meeting" (on the phone or in person). Only those QUALIFIED and APPROVED can access "The SHOP Decision Making Package (TSDMP)" and request a Private Meeting. To access TSDMP, you need to tell us 1) WHO are you and WHY should we do business with YOU 2) What are your plans after buying your SHOP 3) Are you Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) (Can you afford it?) (We appreciate you understanding that we can make NO exceptions during our busy pre-launch phase) more>>

  5. Make Money as a SUB-CONTRACTOR (Application here)

    If you are a sub contractor and want to offer Custom Super Homes your trade services to Custom Super Homes (ie: plumbing, foundation, electical, roofing, windows, siding, etc.), please complete this form and fax it in to the fax number provided. We will contact you when we receive it. apply>>

  6. Make Money as a Free Affiliate NO REAL ESTATE LICENSE NEEDED

    Free Affiliates have access to the FREE TRIAL of EBPRO 101 (THE SYSTEM). EBPRO is a Training & Support Service delivered over the web & phone" and you have full access to the first chapter of EBPRO, which is called EBPRO 101 (a.k.a. THE SYSTEM). EBPRO 101 is perfect  for ANYONE wanting to MASS-SELL New Homes in a professional and efficient manner. Access the FREE TRIAL TO EBPRO 101 (THE SYSTEM) and get started now.
    Affiliates Profit Share is 10% on all EBPRO and TCP sales and 0.5% of CSH and SHOP sales in their FRONTLINE! NOTE: Once you have closed 10 CSH sales as an Affiliate, you can get EBPRO for FREE and become a QUALIFIED PRO without spending a dime! more>>

  7. Make Money as a LICENSED REALTOR

    Realtors can simply put a link to their Custom Super Homes web site on their Realtor web site and plug clients as explained in the FREE TRIAL to EBPRO 101 (THE SYSTEM). Yes, since they are Free Affiliates, Realtors also have have access to the FREE TRIAL of EBPRO 101 (THE SYSTEM). This way, Realtors can give their Real Estate business "a shot of adrenaline" and "be all they can be". EBPRO is a Training & Support Service delivered over the web & phone" and you have full access to the first chapter of EBPRO, which is called EBPRO 101 (a.k.a. THE SYSTEM). EBPRO 101 is perfect  for ANYONE wanting to MASS-SELL New Homes in a professional and efficient manner. Access the FREE TRIAL TO EBPRO 101 (THE SYSTEM) and get started now. Realtors  Profit Share 10% on  all EBPRO sales in their FRONTLINE! Realtors Receive a 3% Commission on  all CSH sales in their FRONTLINE! NOTE: Once you have closed 10 CSH sales as an Affiliate (not as a Realtor), you can get EBPRO for FREE and become a QUALIFIED PRO without spending a dime! more>>


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 All content ©2005 Dario Busch & CustomSuperHomes.com

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