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Aprobeche, No se enrrede nosotros ablamos
espanol ,ademas nosotros atendemos a nuestros clientes bien pues no queremos muchos clientes, solo lo queremos a usted
.Ademas con los precios que le estamos dando ay mucho dinero para ganar tambien estamos abilitando a las
tienditas que quieran tener mercancia para estas fechas de diciembre le mandamos la mercancia
que se vende a consignacion , es decir usted la recibe, firma, vende , nos manda el dinero
por el precio acordado sin invertir en los productos , que buena onda, mas informacion por e- mail , quiero aprovechar
para desearles una feliz navidad y un prospero 2006 desde mi tiendita a la suya sinceramente el equipo
de mi tiendita
| Bioelectro Medicine
There are a number of devices that use specialized electric fields to alter the function or condition of targeted
tissue, organisms, or cells within the body. These electric fields can be programmed to promote the healing of healthy tissue
or inhibit the growth of undesired organisms. Where there are electric fields , there are also magnetic fields, usually
rotated at 90 degress to each other. The interplay of the electric and magnetic fields play a role in this therapy, but the
frequency, the shape of the wave, the duration and polarity of the pulse, etc., all play into the mix and can make the difference
between success or failure depending on the care and attention given to these parameters.
This is not necessarily a new technology. At the turn of the 19th century, Nikola Tesla patented many Electro-inventions
that demonstrated incredible health-promoting attributes; some of them based on the use of his high frequency, high voltage
DC pulse generator circuits which produced a new ether-derived form of energy called Radiant Energy. Tesla had even patented a highly efficient cold plasma ozone generator by 1893.
Dr. Royal Rife In the late 20's and early 1930's, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife from San Diego,
California, developed a high powered microscope which he used in conjunction with a frequency generator. Using special UV
light, Rife's mircroscope was capable of 60,000x magnification! This degree of magnification allowed him to observe LIVE virus
and bacteria organisms while he applied the MOR (Mortal Oscillatory Resonance) frequency from his frequency generator
via plasma tube radiation of the energy. He was able to destroy all manner of disease organisms (including cancer related
organisms) by merely ‘tuning' the generator to the correct resonant frequency of these organisms and applying
the oscillating electric fields via the plasma driven, "Beam Ray Tube". Everything in the universe, living or dead, and its
own resonant frequency. If you apply this exact resonant frequency to the object or organism, it will begin vibrating
until it literally shatters itself. You've all seen the wine glass and the opera singer demonstration. Same deal for microbes.
60,000x magnifications is an unheard of degree of magnification in a light microscope, even by today's technical standards.
Today's electron microscope can deliver high magnification, but it can only view DEAD organisms. The ability to view micro
organims in a LIVING state is of great importance to diagnostic and therapeutic goals. This is an extremely important point
to understand.
Rife's microscope played no role in the actual destruction of the pathogenic organisms, but it allowed him to view the
effects of the electric fields from the Beam Ray Tube upon the organism itself. As Rife adjusted and tuned his frequency generator
to the correct frequency, he was able to observe the disintegration of the bacteria, parasite, or virii under the influence
of the resonant electro-magnetic fields exerted by the Beam Ray Tube.
At first, Rife's enormous accomplishments were ballyhooed in the press. He was feted and hosted by the local medical elites
of the day who were hoping to climb onto the Glory Bandwagon with him and get their mug published in the newspaper as a supporter
and cohort of the "man who could finally end cancer". But the Big Boys finally caught up with him. I'm referring to
the string pullers in organized medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Needless to say, once word of Rife's success began
to spread too wide, he was quickly ‘neutralized' by organized medicine and demoralized into obscurity (unending court
litigation, charges of quakery, intimidation of financial supporters, the burning down of laboratories, etc...the "usual'
routine). His principle persecutor was the head of the American Medical Association and chief editor of the Journal of
the American Medical Association. His name was Dr. Morris Fishbein and he never treated a patient in his life. He was motivated more by an unmitigated lust for greed and power, and less by
a desire to save lives. Failing to convince Rife to sell him the exclusive rights to his technique and therapy, Fishbein set
out to crush Rife with a vengence. The outrageous injustices against Rife by Fishbein and the medical establishment are explained
in great depth in a book by Barry Lynes called The Cancer Cure That Worked.

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