En un mundo , donde los problemas de los huracanes, y la inseguridad imperen , nosotros
estamos vendiendo casas echas a la medida sismicamente , superiores , contra balas contra huracanes
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Because this is a bear-bones fighting system designed to be both extremely easy for you to learn, and very dangerous
to your opponent.
For example, I went through SNIPER TRAINING in the military. We went through countless hours of training
and thousands of rounds of ammo to become good. We had to learn and take into account the angle of the shot, where the wind
was coming from, how strong the wind was, the distance to the target, the temperature, etc. A lot of guys never made
it through this extensive program. But what if I were to show you how to cock a gun, take the safety off, press the
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Fighting, only without the gun.
It's dark, you're alone and he's got a knife. Quick--what do YOU do???
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It doesn't matter who you are or how big you are. Men will
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You can start out with a white belt in the kiddies' class at a martial
arts studio and spend many years and a small fortune learning an antique form of fighting
ORYou can invest a few hours and the cost of an evening out and learn
Speed Fighting (and you'll be able to defeat most martial artists!) more