Gold Affiliates

Gold affiliates represent primary J!NX partners. The following websites provide quality knowledge and resources
for geeks, hackers, and security enthusiasts.
AdventureQuest » view store |
The best free online RPG… worth every penny. Battle the undead, dragons and hordes of magical
creatures in our animated web-based role playing game. Create and enhance your character with weapons, armors, spells and
pets. Level up and challenge yourself against our weekly additions and server wide events. Create a character now and start
with steel plate armor. |
Apache Software Foundation » view store |
The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software
projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic
software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not
simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users. |
BitTorrent » view store |
BitTorrent is the p2p file distribution tool which has brought large file distribution to the masses.
It used to be you needed a massive pipe and lots of money to host a large, popular file. Now all you need is a large file
and popularity. |
Collusion » view store |
Collusion is a group of computer zealots with various interests and areas of expertise. Some of
them are computer professionals, while others are CS students at Universities or even in high school. However, what they all
have in common is a fascination with computers. You know that kid on the block that everyone comes to for advice about their
computers? They're those kids. |
commandN » view store |
If you want to know what's new and hot (or not) on the web, check out Produced
by Call for Help's co-host, tech researcher, and friends, commandN is a free weekly vidcast (buy a tee or two to help us make
even more quality shows!). |
DEF CON » view store |
An annual computer underground party for hackers held in Las Vegas, Nevada, every summer for the
past seven years. Over those years it has grown in size, and attracted people from all over the planet. |
Demonoid » view store |
| is one of the best BitTorrent Trackers and dump sites around. Use it to track your
torrents, or just take a look at what other members have uploaded. |
Diggnation » view store |
Diggnation is taking this Nation by storm. As one of the top Podcast/Videocast in the world. All
things beer and tech from brought to you weekly by your old friends Kevin and Alex. Be the first on your block to
sport and support the redheaded stepchild of the Internet. Digg on my friends, Digg on... |
 | » view store |
Plain and simple, is the only news website that matters. |
G4 » view store |
G4 – videogame tv – is the only 24/7 television network dedicated to all things videogames.
G4 airs all-original programming that covers every aspect of the videogame culture. Shows feature breaking industry news,
reviews, the hottest games, gear and technology, celebrity interviews, insider opinions and the underground trends that feed
the videogame generation. Launched in April 2002, G4 is available in 52 million cable and satellite homes nationwide. The
company is headquartered in Los Angeles and is owned by Comcast Corporation. To learn more, log onto |
 | » view store |
A leading source for video game news, reviews, previews, and features and also houses one of the
most comprehensive and ambitious video game databases. Our goal is to provide this to you with quality and at no charge, so
check us out and buy three or four thousand shirts while you're at it.
GruntvillE » view store |
Founded in 2002, started its life as a simple case mod site. With the continual
increase in the popularity of case modding, the site has evolved into a top rank destination for computer enthusiasts around
the world. The site offers readers hardware reviews, information on the newest case modding trends and components, and one
of the best case mod galleries on the web allowing anyone to upload their pics and show off their handy work to the world.
Whether you’re new to the scene or have been modding since the first hand cranked drill came out, there’s something
for every modder. The forums are loaded with a ton of the best modders in the world. WelcomE to GruntvillE! |
isoHunt » view store |
Premiere search engine and community site for the BitTorrent, IRC and other P2P networks. |
Kuro5hin » view store |
| is probably the web's largest democratically edited news and discussion site. Articles
are written and voted on by the membership, and topics range from technology to politics to media to cooking, and everything
in between. It's a slice of the world from a generally geeky POV. |
Major Geeks » view store |
The Few - The Proud - The Geeks. Don’t just know you’re a geek inside – show
‘em you’re one outside with a swag. Coming in Basic Black (for formal occasions), Olive (for casual
wear), and the “3l33t Forces Edition” that’s a super soft army reactive green (For when only green will
do). |
MiniNova » view store |
Mininova is the alternative to the well-known SuprNova, which is not longer available. Visitors
of this site can anonymously upload torrents to this site, tracked by any BitTorrent tracker. Scrape data (amount of seeds/peers)
is collected every hour. |
 | » view store |
| is a haven for gamers who enjoy the exciting and interactive world of MMORPG (Massively
Mutiplayer Online Role Playing Game) gaming! With a hard-working, industry savvy staff, we deliver the best in news, developer
profiles, editorials and other information on games both released and in development. Whether you're a casual or hardcore
gamer, this site offers you a chance to catch up on the industry and add your opinions to those of over 250,000 members in
our forums. |
MusicScene Network » view store |
Since 1994, MusicScene has helped local musicians promote themselves. The bands, the events, the
radio stations, the nightclubs, the record labels . . . this Minneapolis-based site is attempting to put the entire Minnesota
MusicScene on one website. Support Your Local Scene! |
Online Gaming League » view store |
The Online Gaming League is a gaming community web site maintained by a dedicated staff of volunteer
gamers. Founded in 1997, The OGL has grown to become the worlds largest action game competition website. The OGL has served
more than half a million gamers since its inception, and continues to grow at a phenomanal rate. |
Packet Storm » view store |
Packet Storm is the largest and most up to date library of information security information in
the world. Whether your interest is in building a secure network, penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, or simply learning
about computer security, Packet Storm has all the information you need. |
Phrack Magazine » view store |
PHRACK is one of the longest running electronic magazines in existence. Since 1985, PHRACK has
been providing the hacker community with information on operating systems, network technologies and telephony, as well as
relaying features of interest for the international computer underground. PHRACK Magazine is made available to the public,
as often as possible, free of charge. |
Safer Networking » view store |
The home of the famous anti-spyware software Spybot - Search & Destroy |
SuprNova » view store |
| is one of the largest Bit Torrent sources on the net today. |
SYSTM » view store |
From the guys that brought you thebroken comes a new downloadable tech show: 'Systm'. Systm covers
all areas of computing with short in-depth technical video episodes. Help support indie web content and get yourself a Systm
T-Shirt! |
The Box Network » view store |
The Box Network houses some of the most famous sites on the Internet, including Astalavista and
New Order. |
TheBroken » view store |
do you like hacking? do you like 40’s? then you’ll love thebroken. thebroken is a downloadable
videozine dedicated to all things shady. from social engineering to destroying a hard drive with 3,000°F molten iron, these
guys cover it all. |
Xbox-Scene » view store |
Xbox-Scene, where our motto is.. if your XBOX isn't modified.. it's just an XBOX. The Premier underground
site for people looking to do radical things to their xbox consoles. Hack it, Paint it, Modify it. With XS.. there is no limit
to what you can accomplish with your Xbox. Why own an Ordinary XBOX when you can learn how to make it XS Rated! |
Zone-h » view store |
Zone-H is an very popular site for computer security, and the most up-to-date defacement archive. |